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Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Ellips Tea Party

hai guysss! how are you guys doing lately? 
jadi di blog kali ini aku mau menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia karena aku akan mereview produk dari Ellips Hair Care. 

buat kalian yang follow akun instagram aku pastinya kalian udah tau kalau rambut aku sekarang dalam keadaan di perming which is sebenarnya rambut aku menjadi lebih kering dan kusam akibat zat kimia yang digunakan saat di perming itu sendiri. Perawatan untuk rambut di perming itu sendiri ga semudah yang kalian bayangkan, oleh karena itu aku akan share rutinitas perawatan rambut aku di sini :) 

Jadi minggu lalu aku berkesempatan di treatment di salah satu salon ternama di Senayan City bareng 9 bloggers lainnya. Kita semua kumpul di sana pagi hari dan masing2 dari kita memiliki masalah rambut yang berbeda, dari situ kita tau bahwa Ellips menyediakan perawatan rambut sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita masing-masing. Setelah kita di treatment di sana kita berangkat bareng-bareng dengan team dari Ellips Hair Care ke Whyl’s Kitchen tempat dimana acara Ellips Hair Care Launch Blogger “Shine Like Stars” dilaksanakan. Setelah sampai di venue ternyata banyak banget beauty blogger lain yang sudah hadir dan menikmati lunch bareng mereka. Di acara kemarin itu juga dihadiri oleh Julie Estelle sebagai brand ambassador Ellips. Ada beberapa Q&A session yang berguna banget buat pengetahuan merawat rambut kita sehari-hari serta tips&trick from Julie Estelle sendiri. Di sana kita jadi tau bahwa sebenarnya shampoo aja ga cukup karena ternyata vitamin shampoo akan luruh setelah dibilas, nah yang kalian butuhkan sebenarnya adalah vitamin yang bisa menutrisi hingga ke batang rambut. Solusinya itu simple banget, yaitu cuma dengan Sebutir Ellips Sehabis Keramas akan membuat rambut kamu tetap ternutrisi dan sehat berkilau layaknya para bintang. 

well, aku udah cobain treatment simple Sebutir Ellips Sehabis Keramas dan itu benar-benar terasa perbedaannya ke rambut aku yang lumayan kering kalau setelah keramas dan sekarang jadi lebih berkilau dan ga kusam. Menurut aku solusi ini mudah banget buat kalian coba, caranya juga gampang banget tinggal aplikasikan sebutir Ellips ini dari batang hingga ke ujung rambut. Ellips ini juga ga cuma buat rambut kusam yang diwarnain atau dikeriting aja tapi buat kalian yang mau menjaga kesehatan rambut sehari-hari kalian harus coba karena Ellips sendiri menyediakan berbagai macam jenis dari Hair Treatment, Smooth & Shinnym, Nutri Colour, Hair Vitality, dan Shiny Black. Tapi untuk aku sendiri favoritku adalah yang Shiny Black karena dengan sebutir Ellips yang berwarna hitam ini membantu menjaga warna asli rambutku yang setelah dibleach dan diwarnai berkali-kali.

ini beberapa foto yang akan aku share ke kalian selama acara Ellips “Shine Like Stars” berlangsung :) 

semoga review aku untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut bisa berguna buat kalian semua yang baca! X

untuk info lebih lanjut kalian bisa langsung ke website 

Rambut Sehat, Rambut Ellips

Jumat, 05 Februari 2016

Grey Head by One Piece Hair Studio

if you know me well, you must know I always want to have a grey hair color. but since my hair still a virgin I never have that courage to color them. many many people with a grey hair have inspired me through their style from tumblr to instagram nowadays.

and guys now happily to announce you, I finally have my own grey head! special thanks to ka Aryantia from One Piece Hair Studio that helps me a lot through the process until find me the best professional hairstylist called Mas Eko.

so, first I show the picture to the hairstylist how I want my hair looks like. then he suggested me the new technique from One Piece Hair Studio it's called as "Balayan" if I'm not mistaken. it's something like a highlight mixed with ombre style so it has more variations to your hair than the basic ombre.
also, he told me that my hair texture is very light so he didn't think that I can get the exact colour that I want, because if I insist to get the exact color I need to bleach my hair from 3-5times which is it will caused a damaged hair. so at the end of the day we decide to do the bleach 2 times. personally I love how professional the hairstylist cause he really knows when to stop, you know if he's not then he might do the bleach more than two and will put my hair in a risk.

I won't talk any longer, let's see the result! ;)


believe it or not, the result is beyond my expectation! I love it to the bitssss!
it's more like a blueish lilac grey kinda thing, I can't decide hahaha. cause the colour change all the time depends on the light. 

here's the other picures in different lighting

well, it looks like a different hair colour right? I dont care, I love them both :)

so what do you guys think about my new hair colour? I do hope you like it as much as I do.

happy reading!

Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

New Generation Denim

Hello people! Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrate it or not, may this Christmas brings you joy and fulfill you with happiness :)

so, about one week ago I got invited by Wrangler Indonesia to come to their store, well let me introduce you the new generation of Wrangler Shape Keeper Denim for Woman! they offer the comfiest variation of denim pants with high density and super stretch material. from the skinniest jeans almost jegging feeling, straight, until the bootcut which is really happening this season as we all know. what makes these jeans special than the others? well, they do really comfortable to wear on your daily activity because they use super stretch rubber on the inside of the waistband so it press to your body like a second skin. the price is also very affordable for a high quality jeans. 

my favorite two is Stokes, really skinny with the light blue denim colour and Molly, not to skinny with black denim and also ripped details on my knees loooove this so!

me wearing this Stokes denim, as comfortable as it's seen on the pict :p

white shirt : @kibojkt
jeans : Molly - Wrangler Shape Keeper
shoes : @iwearup well I got this from @fashionvaletid thankyou!
denim jacket : Wrangler

meet these amazing people! ❤️

share and experience the new generation of denim from Wrangler!

Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

(X)SML Afternoon SoireƩ

An Afternoon SoireƩ by (X)SML
(X)SML is one of Indonesia Local Brand pioneer, they have that minimalist with a twist of interesting cutting in each design. they invite bloggers and media to this afternoon soireƩ at Wilshire Jakarta to celebrate their new launching website

so a week before the H day, I have the oppurtinity to freely choose one piece from their latest collection. oh seriously, can I take the whole store to be my own closet? hahaha I cant pick. at the end of the day I need to choose one, and voilaaaa! I can't take my eyes from this super edgy bralet mixed with mesh top.

I did really had a good time back then, meeting amazing and influential people, meeting others bloggers, and oh sure! enjoying the food :p

enjoy reading! xx

p.s ; don't forget to follow my snapchat to follow my-not-so-interesting life!

Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

elxielvina X Luxola.ID

hi, it's me again.
I've been thinking to make a video tutorial for my daily makeup ever since you guys keep asking what kind of product that I use for my everyday makeup. what do you think guys? if you interest please comment down below :)

well, basically I love doing makeup. makeup shopping? no doubt.
been really addicted to lip matte lately, I use brown and mauve shades a lot. somehow I want to try to wear a dare-red-lips kind of look, but I couldn't find the best one on my lips until I found this. this lip stain from Sephora! a perfect Russian Red you could ever wish. honestly the texture is really good and it does have a super matte finishing. 

Cream Lip Stain 01

look at the selfie that I took, what do you guys think? should I wear this dare-red-lips kind of look more often? ;)

oh and, I've been searching for a perfect angle brush for doing my contour and also a fan brush for doing my highlight finishing on my daily look. ( pstt, highligther is one of my secret for my makeup look :D ) it's really hard to find a good quality brush but these two brushes from Sephora have completed my makeup collection.

PRO Angled Blush. Blush biseaute 49

PRO Fan Eventail 65

they have a very good packaging also as you can see here

oh and by the way Sephora product are now live on 
they sell 100% original products and take a great pride in selling genuine quality beauty products, you guys can also get a free delivery with minimum purchase Rp.200.000! it's really easy for you to shop at Luxola because they have simple steps to follow and also a very fast delivery service. you just need to choose what hou want from their website, laid back, and wait until the package is arrive in front of your door! ;)

p.s; you can get 20% OFF discount b using my coupon code ILX-ELXI until 31st December 2015. so what do you waiting for?
terms & conditions for using the code ILX-ELXI: Valid for first time shopper, cannot be used for non-discountable brands )

happy shopping pretty ladies ❤️

Minggu, 08 November 2015

elxielvina X kanavaia

lately I've been thinking about how people get older every day every month every year? getting older really scares me, not the future that scares me actually but the thought about I dont get what I expected to be in the next few years that really really scares me. well it's just a random thoughts of me.

well, I did a photoshoot with Kanavaia few months ago. it was a fun day to spent, enjoy the pictures :)

get their bag collection here! xx

a very sudden getaway!

I love the unplanned thing. like what I did last holiday, decided to go to Malaysia 5 days before hahahaha
it is a very sudden idea from my friend that study her degrees there "why dont you just come with me to Malaysia?"

well I did. 

it was a super fun 5 days getaway with my friends back then.

dress : @shopatvelvet
glasses : h&m
shoes : nike thea jolie
lips : diva from MAC

the good cafe called VCR (suddenly reminds me of the xx song :p ) served good coffee too. it placed at KL if I'm not mistaken. If you have a plan to go to KL this place is a recommended!

I feel like I'm at Abu Dhabi right now lol
this placed called Melaka. a very beautiful scenery and very windy place.

top : topshop
pants : zara
shoes : new look
sling bag : Louis Vuitton


Design by | SweetElectric